
Covers by Suzy

Pre-Made Book Covers

Pre-made book covers by Suzy are available as ebook covers, with paperback covers also available for an additional 50 dollars. Basic colours and fonts can be changed if required. Each pre-made book cover is completely exclusive and will be sold only once.
Please note that all sales are final and non-refundable. By purchasing pre-made covers by Suzy, you agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Please check back often as more ebook covers will be uploaded regularly. See below for details about customs book covers.

Choose by category or view all covers below:

Custom Book Covers

If you don’t want a pre-made book cover, and would rather have one custom made, please email me at covers{at} suzyturner{dot}com to discuss the details. Custom Book Covers cost 250 dollars each (including the paperback sleeve). I look forward to chatting with you!