
Friking Portimao: for lovers of movies / anime / GOT / Harry Potter and more

Friking Portimão

A few weeks ago, Sarah and I went for a wander in Portimao – a ‘city’ close to where I live. For the past few years, the town centre has been negatively affected by the opening of several shopping centres nearby. So imagine our delight to see new shops popping up and helping to bring the centre back to life again. One such shop had both Sarah and I squealing with delight! Friking Portimão is a little shop full of goodies for movie lovers, manga and anime lovers, Harry Potter lovers, Game of Thrones lovers, Star Wars…..should I go on?

Before I go any further I should mention that Sarah is a big kid at heart and she’s a total anime freak lol. The second she stepped into Friking Portimão, she could barely breathe for excitement! When I say we squealed, she was the loudest and had trouble stopping. She could barely contain herself as she browsed all the goodies on offer.

Harry Potter

My squeals were mainly due to the Harry Potter merchandise for sale. As you know, I am a bit of a Harry Potter nerd and I can’t help myself whenever I see anything with the infamous HP logo! There’s tee-shirts, sweaters, mugs, key-rings, umbrellas and much more.

The Friking Portimão shop (located on Rua do Comercio) is owned by a really lovely Portuguese couple who speak perfect English. They’re as mad about all this stuff as we are and it was fun talking to them about their new shop.

Christmas Gifts

If you’re wondering what to buy your friends and family for Christmas, and you know they love movies / anime, etc, might I suggest a visit to Friking Portimão? You’re bound to find a whole host of goodies for them! In the meantime visit Friking Portimão on Facebook.
* This post is not sponsored – I just wanted to spread the joy!