
Writing, narrating audiobooks and news about The Raven Saga

Hi folks! I hope you’re all well and had a wonderful week. I sure did 🙂 I’ve been busy with my books once again. After a long break from the ins and outs of being an indie author, I am truly energised and ready to delve back into writing and narrating audiobooks…

My writing life

As you may or may not know, I am the author of over 12 books. All of which are available to buy online, primarily via Amazon. The reason why they’re [mostly] exclusive to Amazon is because I made them available through KDP Select (which allows them to be downloadable to Kindle Unlimited users). However, to do this the books HAD to be exclusive to Amazon. I gave it a go and I haven’t been particularly impressed. So, I’ve decided to go wide again. Unfortunately most of the books are tied in to this exclusivity deal until September / October. So, I’ve been slowly preparing the manuscripts in readiness for when this happens.

Narrating Audiobooks - Chick Lit Box Set

I do have one ‘book’ which isn’t tied into this exclusivity agreement, my Chick Lit Box Set, which is three books in one – Stormy Summer, Aphrodite’s Closet and Forever Fredless. And if you’re heading off on holiday this summer, it’s the perfect beach read! You can buy a copy from Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, B&N…. basically everywhere. However you can also buy it direct from me on the blog YAY! Simply click on that link in the column on the left (or here: Buy Now) or on the cover image above and you’ll get THREE ebooks for around 6.99! You’ll be able to download whatever format you use. Bargain if you ask me 😉

Narrating Audiobooks

But that’s not all I’ve been sorting out. I’ve also been turning part of my office into a sound booth. That sounds way more professional than it is lol. The sound booth is actually part of my wardrobe which has been opened up, emptied and then padded out with sofa cushions, pillows, rugs and anything else soft lol! I haven’t tested it out yet but that’s what I’ll be doing this week (when I’m not at work at the golf shop, that is). Why do I need a sound booth, I hear you all wonder?

Well, I’ve decided to start narrating audiobooks – making my books into audiobooks, that is. I know it’s going to be seriously hard work but I have a feeling I’m going to love every second. I’ve bought my recording equipment, which I will write about after testing it out to let you know how it’s going. I’ve been doing lots of research about producing my own audiobooks and there’s SO MUCH to learn. Fingers crossed it all goes well.

I’ve also been toying with the idea of creating my very own Podcast. I’m still ‘umming’ and ‘ahhing’ about the subject matter, but, again, I will keep you updated about that once I’ve made a decision. The equipment is all set up and ready to go so I can make a start on that whenever I’m ready.

Paloma Black – The Raven Saga Book 4

What else have I been working on? Well, I’m excited to let you know that another book is in the works. Actually, if I’m completely honest with you, this book has been in the works for a few years lol. I keep coming back to it and then leaving it again. But now I’m ready to complete it. It’s another Young Adult Urban Fantasy novel which continues on in The Raven Saga. Raven was my first published novel and was very successful. December Moon was the second in the series, followed by The Lost Soul. Paloma Black is the title of the new book. Here’s a sneak preview of the cover:

Narrating Audiobooks - Paloma Black by Suzy Turner

If you’re interested, you can read a few chapters of the first draft of Paloma Black on Wattpad. But before you do, please keep in mind that it is a first draft!!!

My long-standing dream

So, as you can see. I’ve got LOADS to do lol. But I feel truly uplifted and delighted to be back in the game, because writing fiction really is my thing. Ultimately, it’s what I’ve always wanted to do. Way back in my late teens, early twenties, I dreamed of becoming a successful author – I wanted to be the next Danielle Steele for quite some time lol! I love to create new characters, new worlds, new stories – it’s something I’m truly passionate about. I actually feel quite sad that I left it for so long, but I think I needed to step back to really see what I truly wanted with my life.

I’ll continue to blog, of course. And I’m still going to be sharing my outfits. That is just another small part of my life that brings me joy too. I hope you’ll enjoy continuing this amazing journey with me. And in the meantime, if you’d like to support me, please do click on that link to the left and grab my chick lit box set! I’ll let you know when all the other books are available elsewhere and also when I’ve finished narrating audiobooks and they’re available to buy. I can’t wait! Huge hugs to you all xxx