
Don’t be a Dick: a t-shirt from Boston that reminded me of Suits

Don't Be a DickThe second I saw this t-shirt in the States, I knew I had to have it. Its’ slogan caught my eye and made me laugh out loud! Not because of the fact that it says, Don’t be a Dick, but because it reminded me of one of my favourite scenes in Suits.

If you’re a fan of Suits, then you’re probably a fan of Louis Litt, a character in the show who is both endearing and exasperating at the same time. I think he’s one of the best characters in the show and I just love him! If you haven’t watched it, I urge you to give it a go. Not to mention the fact that Megan Markle is in it too.

But back to the slogan, Don’t be a Dick (!). Clearly, it’s a reference to Moby Dick (another fabulous story – have you seen the movie version with the gorgeous Chris Hemsworth?) and so is the Louis Litt scene. Here’s how it goes. Someone says to Louis, ‘You really are a dick’. And his response? ‘Yeah, I’m Moby GODDAM Dick and you just swam in my waters!’ He he he he he . It gets me every time!! I just love it! Here’s a clip on Youtube of the scene…

Isn’t he brilliant? LOL

Anyway, I just had to have the Don’t be a Dick t-shirt because it makes me laugh! I wore it a few weeks ago, when I wasn’t feeling so good (so please excuse how I look). The weather was super weird, but just about warm enough for shorts. Hubby and I had gone out for a coffee and then stopped by the Algarve race track to take a couple of photos of my t-shirt. I know I’m not looking particularly stylish but I just wanted to share it with you. Isn’t it fab? The race track was just around the corner from here.

By the way, today is our 20th wedding anniversary! 20 years! I still can’t quite believe it 😀

Don't be a Dick

Don't be a Dick

Don't Be a Dick


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