
How to wear a summer dress in winter | link-up

summer dress in winter

To break from all the shirts I’ve been wearing lately, I thought I’d share an outfit of a different kind—I’m wearing a summer dress in winter! Now…to be honest, I wouldn’t wear this outfit at the moment because it’s too cold in this house, but I took these photos in December when it was still fairly mild.

We were shopping (what a surprise, I hear you say lol!) down at the Outlets in Faro and I wanted to wear something a little different from my usual trousers, so I donned this gorgeous colourful dress that I wore for the first time back in the summer (then, I wore it on its own with tan sandals and a tan tassel handbag).

Wearing a summer dress in winter can easily be styled in order to keep you warm. You just have to think about layering the dress appropriately. For instance, on this occasion, I added a pair of woolly tights, my tan Timberland boots and a thick chunky cardigan. All of which would look pretty good with a multitude of summer dresses. If you’re not a fan of tights, think about wearing jeans or trousers beneath the dress—both of which can look pretty cool, depending on the look you’re going for. And don’t always feel that you must wear something tight-fitting beneath the dress. Loose-fitting trousers or jeans can be a stylish option too. The trick is to try…you never know, you might find a brand new style in the process!

My handbag of choice was my trusty blue Desigual bag that easily works across the body for comfort. To give yourself more options for warmth, simply add a scarf of some kind, and/or even a hat. I wore my old blue scarf (I can’t remember where I bought it), that I also have in bright red too.

Instead of a thick, chunky cardigan, you could add a jacket, or a shacket (shirt jacket) or perhaps a sweater instead. I went with the cardigan because I needed the option of easily taking it off (bloody hormones). This is also one of the reasons why I frequently carry a scarf with me, in my handbag—it’s easy to put on if you’re cold and to take off if you’re having a hot flush.

summer dress in winter

I must say, I rather liked the result of the summer dress in winter. It’s a casual look, but was perfect for shopping when my hot flushes took over, because I just threw off the cardie and tied the scarf around my bag…instant relief!

Do you ever wear a summer dress in winter? If so, how do you style it? Now, let’s get on with the Neverending Style Link-Up? I’m excited to see what you’ve all been posting lately. Don’t forget to link-up your Instagram, TikTok and YouTube videos too! Have a lovely weekend!

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summer dress in winter